Zoetic Workshops is offering a 9-part series of two and a half hour classes once a month on Sundays. Every class not only reveals to you one of those unique pathways, but also gives you practical application of easy, life-altering tools. In each session you will not only learn a new bridge, but also apply what you’ve learned in a way that you truly experience the difference. You will have the tools from every class to effortlessly master each bridge in your own very real everyday life.

Prerequisite: Your Life Thus Far




This Class is are offered in-person and virtually via Zoom.

In a gentle one-day course you will seamlessly come into a balanced quiet. Chakra Indulgence provides a lasting tranquility that tenderly infuses your whole being. We will move from a detailed education of the primary chakras of the Ayurvedic structures to you balancing and harmonizing your entire system through those energy centers. From there you will joyously experience your innate capacity to accurately perceive a total stranger in extraordinary detail, effectively opening and sealing in your inherent capability to connect to, with and for others.

Prerequisite: Your Life Thus Far


Curriculum Pricing

All prices are per person. Payment plans and other discounts available upon request.

Bridges To Freedom

Tuition: $360
Reviewer Tuition: $275


Tuition: $275